Architectural Improvement Application and Review Form Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name of Association: *Owner (1): *Owner (2): *Cell Phone: *Home Phone: *Description of Proposed Improvements: *Color (if applicable):Location (if applicable):Dimensions (if applicable):Construction Materials (if applicable):Supplier: *Approximate Cost: *A sketch of all improvements and/or a brochure must be attached to this Application with color chips. Indicate location and dimensions. Proposed Start Date: *Estimated Completion Date: *Date Submitted: *Owner(s): *Signature: *Any association approval is conditioned upon the owner obtaining any required governmental permits. All work is subject to inspection by the association or its agent. Incomplete applications will be returned resulting in delay.For Internal Use OnlyDate ReceivedInspected onInspected byApproved onDisapproved onApproved by:Conditions of Approval:Reason for Disapproval (if applicable):WebsiteSubmit Coast Management of California 818-991-1500