Certified Vendor Programs - Caution
Some property management companies require contractors and vendors to pay them a fee in order to become a “certified” or “approved” contractor or vendor.
If they don’t pay the fee, or what we consider a kickback, to the management company, they are not permitted to bid on jobs or provide maintenance services. This works to the great disadvantage of management clients because construction and management jobs are steered by these management companies exclusively to contractors and vendors willing to pay them. Our firm does not engage in this practice.
While every contractor and vendor that works on properties managed by our company must be investigated, we consider that to be our responsibility and require no payment from them. Our interest is making certain that all contractors are insured, have any required license, and treat our clients fairly, while providing excellent service.
If you hire our firm, you may keep your existing contractors and vendors, provided they have insurance, or you have the required insurance. However, if you are not satisfied with any of your existing contractors or vendors, we are in a position to provide recommendations for replacements. We maintain a list of approved contractors and vendors, and a list of unapproved contractors and vendors.
HOA Financial Management Services