Political Signs
While associations can prohibit political signs in the common areas, they cannot prohibit political signs and posters on or in an owner's separate interest. In accordance with the Davis-Stirling Act, associations can prohibit signs that are more than 9 square feet in size. Associations can also establish reasonable time periods for the display of political signs. Many cities have regulations requiring the removal of signs between 5 and 15 days after an election. Some also limit the posting of signs 45 to 90 days before an election. Associations may adopt similar restrictions in their CC&Rs and/or Operating Rules. In addition to limiting the size, composition, and location of signs, associations can also regulate the number of signs.
Associations can prohibit signs that are painted on a building surface; or are made of flora, balloons, lights, roofing, siding, paving materials, or other similar building, landscaping or decorative components. Associations can also prohibit flags and banners that are more than 15 square feet in size. In addition, signs displaying obscenity or fighting words can be restricted.
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